1. All students must possess a valid Identity Card (Identity card issued by the school in the beginning of the first term). Students must carry with them their Identity Card, all the time they are in the campus and should produce when demanded by the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. Identity Card should be carefully preserved and the holder of the identity card will be held responsible for its misuse. In case of loss of Identity card, a duplicate must be obtained by paying the prescribed charge and fulfilling the necessary formalities.
2. Students should read the Notice Board regularly.
3. Students must maintain silence in the classes, library, office, laboratories and the corridors. Loud conversation, bullying, shouting and yelling will attract disciplinary action.
4. In free time students should make use of the school library.
5. Each and every student shall endeavor to preserve high standard of the school by excelling in good manners.
6. Students will not organize any picnics, tours, excursions etc. without the written permission of the Principal.
7. In case of any problem, (personal or academic) students are free to approach their Teachers or Principal for help in solving their problems.
8. No magazines, comics, periodicals, pictures shall be brought to School without permission.
9. The School authority reserves the right of discharging any pupil whose behavior is deemed unsatisfactory. In such cases the School does not bind itself to give any reason.
10. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and misbehavior justify dismissal.
11. Students are not allowed half days or short leave except in emergency medical cases.
12. Be regular and punctual. Ensure that you reach school in time.
13. Attend school in proper, smart and neat uniform.
14. Do not leave class without an out pass.
15. Take care of school property and ensure that interactive smart boards, desks, furniture, walls etc. are not scratched or damaged. Any damage may invite payment of damages.
16. Lending/borrowing money or other articles is not permitted. Do not wear or bring expensive items to school.
17. In case a student is required to overstay after school hours for further elucidation on subject matter / sports etc. proper prior permission in writing should be taken from concerned coordinator on an application from the parent
18. Library books should be thoroughly checked before issue / return Borrower shall be responsible for any damage / loss
19. Due respect should be given to perfects, class monitors and volunteer students on duty
20. Any movement to the playground/activity/library should be orderly and in queue.
21. Shouting/writing or indulging in unruly behavior in the school premises is forbidden. Kindly help in maintaining cleanliness and throw litter/papers etc. in the dust bin
22. Facilities of canteen / book counter may be utilized only during recess, before or after school hours.
23. School bus users should behave in a disciplined and orderly manner and should not throw anything inside or outside the bus. Defaulter shall be responsible to re-imburse for damaging or tearing any seat / seat cover / any fitting and fixture in the bus. Use of misappropriate language is strictly prohibited within school bus.